All papers presented at the conference since 2007 and published in the conference proceedings
have been published in the ACM Digital Library, registered in the US Congress Library
and indexed in SCOPUS, dblp, etc.
23rd International Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies
17-18 June 2022, University of Ruse, Bulgaria
- Current status: Please submit your camera-ready version by 10.07.2022. Please see the submission requirements.
Watch these helpful videos: ACM TAPS Template Workflow instructions and Final Submission and Author Workflow
- The List of Accepted Papers and the Conference Programme have been published.
- The paper update deadline has been extended to 10.06.
- The paper submission deadline has been extended to 27.03. Please note that this deadline is final and there will be no further extensions.
Submit your paper here >>
- The CompSysTech'21 proceedings have been published in the ACM Digital Library. View here >>
- Go to the CompSysTech'21 web site
- Call for Papers
- Please have a look at the Submission Requirements page for layout instructions.
- As of year 2018 the Association for Computing Machinery requires that all proceedings published by it have the same layout.
Thus all accepted papers should be composed and formatted by using the new ACM's article templates
(https://www.acm.org/publications/proceedings-template). Please use the "ACM_Sigconf" style.
If you want you can still submit your papers in our old format, but if they are accepted you should prepare the
camera-ready version by using the new ACM template. Traditionally all
CompSysTech papers should be up to 8 pages long.
- According to ACM's policy all papers submitted to CompSysTech'20 will be checked for plagiarism / self-plagiarism by
iThenticate® - the most popular plagiarism detection tool that employs the entire Crossref's database. Papers will be
initially checked now, before
announcing the results. Then accepted papers will be checked again right before publication.
This is to ensure they are not submitted and accepted somewhere else. If we determine that an accepted paper is published
somewhere else, we will reject it before publication, but the conference fee will not be refunded.